Downtown Reflection

I got some flack about yesterday’s post because it wasn’t truly “Cleveland”. Yes… it was Akron. No, I’m not suggesting Cleveland and Akron are the same. That said, I wanted to get back to something more Cleveland-centric today so here it is. Talk about an amazing shot! I don’t know who snapped this pic but it captures the essence of downtown perfectly.


If this is your photo please let me know so I can give you credit! Do you have a Cleveland pic you’d like to share? Upload it here!

That’s Cleveland Baby!!!

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Dear Punxsutawney Phil

I figured this was a good pic to post on Throwback Thursday. It was taken on Groundhog’s Day this year. *shiver*

I believe my exact quote was, “Dear Punxsutawney Phil. F@*K You!!!”  Or something along those lines…

Dear Punxsutawney Phil

Do you have a Cleveland pic you’d like to share? Upload it here!

That’s Cleveland Baby!!!

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Downtown At Dusk – Happy Birthday Cleveland

I ran across this amazing shot on Instagram the other day when scrolling through my timeline.  It was posted by the incredibly talented Mike Waterhouse.  And while Instagram can make even the most novice picture taker look like a pro, Mike is indeed just that.  Dude is AMAZING when he picks up a camera.  I found the original, non-Instagrammed image and that’s what you see below.  You can follow Mike on Instagram, on Twitter at @MikeWaterhouse or on his blog at

If you’re interested, here’s the Instagram photo that I first saw. 

Downtown At Dusk
Photo Credit: Mike Waterhouse

Mike took this photo of the downtown skyline on Cleveland’s 217th birthday on July 22nd, 2013.  I’m a few days late, but I’d like to wish the town I love a very happy birthday.

That’s Cleveland Baby!!!

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