Great Lakes Brewing Company – Year Round

Great Lakes Brewing Company has year round beers including Burning River Pale Ale, Commodore Perry IPA, Dortmunder Gold, Edmund Fitzgerald Porter and Eliot Ness Amber Lager. Additionally, they have seasonal brews including Conway’s Irish Ale, Chillwave Double IPA, Rye of the Tiger IPA and their famous Christmas Ale.

Great Lakes Brewing

Drink up Cleveland!

That’s Cleveland Baby

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Great Lakes Brewing Award Winning Lagers

Great Lakes Brewing Company located across the street from St. Ignatius High School and the West Side Market is home to some award winning lagers including Burning River Pale Ale, Commodore Perry IPA, Dortmunder Gold, Edmund Fitzgerald Porter and Eliot Ness Amber Lager. Additionally, they have seasonal brews including Conway’s Irish Ale, Chillwave Double IPA, Rye of the Tiger IPA and Christmas Ale.

Award Winning Lagers

If you’ve never been to their tasting room I’d strongly recommend it!

Do you have a Great Lakes Brewery or other Cleveland pic you’d like to share? Upload it here!

That’s Cleveland Baby!

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The Return Cleveland Has Been Waiting For

Yes, the Cavaliers return home this evening for their first home game of the NBA season. But that’s not the return I’m referring to. Great Lakes Christmas Ale is back!

Great Lakes Christmas Ale - Charles Averitt 10.28.2015
Photo Credit: Charles Averitt on Facebook

Are you a fan of Christmas Ale? How does this year’s batch compare to previous years?

Do you have a Cleveland pic you’d like to share? Upload it here!

That’s Cleveland Baby!!!

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Great Lakes Chillwave Goes To Indy

I’m headed to Indiana next weekend to visit my buddy. He was in Cleveland in the spring and we sampled the amazing Great Lakes Chillwave. I picked up these two four packs for the journey. He’ll be thrilled.

If you’re not familiar with Chillwave, its a seasonal double IPA. Well worth checking out the next time it’s available. Check it out on Beer Advocate.

Great Lakes Chillwave

What’s your favorite local Cleveland beer?

That’s Cleveland Baby!!!

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Christmas (Ale) In July

If you’re a Clevelander and you like beer, more than likely you’re a fan of Christmas Ale from Great Lakes Brewing Company. And while the official Christmas Ale tapping typically occurs in October, you can find some local establishments that will hold a barrel or two for Christmas in July activities.

Wall Of Christmas Ale

Do you have a Cleveland pic you’d like to share? Upload it here!

That’s Cleveland Baby!!!

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Great Lakes Brewing Company – BEER!

Great Lakes Brewing Company located across the street from St. Ignatius High School and the West Side Market is the first brewpub and microbrewery in Ohio. It brews in accordance with the Bavarian Purity Law of 1516.

Great Lakes Brewing Company

GLBC has year round beers including Burning River Pale Ale, Commodore Perry IPA, Dortmunder Gold, Edmund Fitzgerald Porter and Eliot Ness Amber Lager. Additionally, they have seasonal brews including Conway’s Irish Ale, Chillwave Double IPA, Rye of the Tiger IPA and their famous Christmas Ale.

Drink up Cleveland!

That’s Cleveland Baby!!!

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The Holidays Are Coming – The Christmas Ale Is Here!

For many Clevelanders, the start of the holiday season is when Great Lakes Brewery taps the first barrels of the season’s Christmas Ale. That happened yesterday when Santa officially toasted the start of the season.  Let it snow!

2014 Christmas Ale Tapping
Photo credit: Lonnie Timmons III, The Plain Dealer

That’s Cleveland Baby!

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