Indians Batter Up Game Program

As we head into the fall I figured I’d take a look back at the beginning of a summer past. This is my Opening Day program from the 2013 season opener against the New York Yankees.

Batter Up 2013

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That’s Cleveland Baby!

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Let’s Play Two at Progressive Field

In case you didn’t know, the Indians are playing a true double header today against the New York Yankees.  Buy a ticket and you get to watch at least 18 innings of baseball for the price of 9!  That’s a great deal Cleveland!

Progressive Field Sign

The Tribe (as of this post) finds itself tied for first place but with the lowest attendance in the league.  Come on Cleveland… show our Tribe that we love them!

That’s Cleveland Baby!

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Baseball Is Back In Cleveland – Home Opener 2013

Baseball is back in Cleveland!!!  The Indians opened up their home season yesterday at Progressive Field when they hosted the New York Yankees.  The Home Opener (referred to by the Indians as Opening Day) sold out in only 6 minutes the day tickets went on sale to the general public.  This picture was taken from my seats in section 521 and I was THRILLED to be there.

2013 Progressive Field Home Opener

Downtown Cleveland was packed hours before the game with folks excited about Indians baseball.  The weather was beautiful and even though the Tribe lost I think it’s safe to say that everyone is happy to have baseball back!

That’s Cleveland Baby!

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