The Face of The Miracle In Cleveland – Charles Ramsey

In case you were living under a rock and missed it, recently 3 girls who had been missing for over a decade were found alive and well in Cleveland.  Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight were rescued from their decade long captivity in part by the gentlemen pictured here: Charles Ramsey.

Charles Ramsey

I won’t bother recapping the entire story here, Ramsey’s role in the rescue, other parties involved or parody videos.  There are far better sources out there if you’re looking for that.  What I will say is that Charles Ramsey has become the face that is everything GOOD in the world.  That’s what I’m going to hold onto in this case.  In a world where there are people sick enough to hold others captive for a decade, there are also those like Charles Ramsey.

That’s Cleveland Baby!

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