Love Me Some CLE!!!

If there’s one landmark that’s quintessential Cleveland it’s the Terminal Tower. We don’t have the largest or tallest skyline in the country but when you look up and see this beauty in the sky you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re “home”. 

Love me some CLE!!!

Do you have a Cleveland pic you’d like to see featured? Upload it here!

That’s Cleveland Baby!

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Happy Birthday Horseshoe Casino Cleveland!

One year ago today, the Horseshoe Casino is downtown Cleveland opened its doors to the public.  It’s been a great year and by all indications business is good at The Shoe.   Congrats to everyone involved in bringing Cleveland another great landmark!

Horseshoe Casino & Terminal Tower
The Horseshoe Cleveland Backed By The Terminal Tower

You can find the Horseshoe Cleveland on the web at or on Twitter at @HorseshoeCLE.

That’s Cleveland Baby!!!

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