GE Chandelier At Playhouse Square

Playhouse Square in the Cleveland Theater District is the largest performing arts center in the United States outside of New York. The GE Chandelier, located above the intersection of Euclid Avenue and East 14th Street, is the world’s largest outdoor chandelier.

Playhouse Square
Photo credit: Instagram user bfromcle

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That’s Cleveland Baby!

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Memorial Day Weekend In Cleveland

Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend lined up in Cleveland!  There’s a ton to do in and around town.  Don’t forget the true meaning of Memorial Day but have a great weekend!

Downtown Cleveland

There’s a ton going on in Cleveland this weekend including the Great American Rib Cook-Off, the Chagrin Falls Blossom Time Festival, the Tremont Greek Fest and much more!!!  Get out there and enjoy your weekend Cleveland!

Area Memorial Day Services
Memorial Day 2013 – Activities, Events & Ideas
What To Do On Memorial Day In Northeast Ohio

That’s Cleveland Baby!!!

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