I snagged this photo back in 2012 on East 9th Street when The Avengers was being filmed here. Avengers assemble!!!
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That’s Cleveland Baby!!!
I snagged this photo back in 2012 on East 9th Street when The Avengers was being filmed here. Avengers assemble!!!
Do you have a Cleveland photo you’d like to see featured on the site? Upload it here!
That’s Cleveland Baby!!!
If you’ve lived in Cleveland for any length of time, you know that a break in the weather brings not only thoughts of Spring Training but also the dreaded orange barrels. Construction is a necessary evil I try really hard not to bitch about it but when your daily commute essentially doubles overnight the bitterness sets in.
As we said previously, there’s a slew of work going on in Cleveland prepping for the Rebublican National Convention but even if there weren’t the orange barrels would be out in full force. It’s that time of year!
That’s Cleveland Baby
Getting into downtown Cleveland can be a chore sometimes. Sadly, it just got a bit tougher. On 10/3/2013 ramps from the Jennings Freeway and I-90 were closed and all that traffic was re-routed onto I-490 and I-77. Innerbelt.org advises to “Opt for the Alternate!” which is a catchy way of saying “Get ready to sit in gridlock for 2 years…”
Get used to these signs Cleveland… sadly, they’re going to be around for a long… long… time.
That’s Cleveland (Traffic) Baby…
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that Cleveland is currently being used to film Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Roads have been closed, social media has been hopping with updates and the town has been buzzing with celebrity sightings. Filming moved inside yesterday into Tower City. As I rode the escalator up from the parking garage, I was greeted with this sight.
And while I didn’t get a photo of Scarlett Johansson & Chris Evans kissing, I did manage to snap a couple of pics and videos of the two stars filming a scene or two. The “first unit” was filming all day in Tower City both in the main area with the fountains as well as “downstairs” where the RTA comes into the building. Looks like Cleveland will be well represented in the film.
That’s Cleveland Baby!!!
As previously stated, the weather in Cleveland can be a bit um… sporadic at best. Today is one of those days when we’re on the “good lord it’s crappy out” side of the spectrum. The morning drive was super difficult as we got hit with some lake effect snow and wind which produced this nice little white out.
This pic was snapped (while essentially sitting still) on I-480 West during morning rush hour. Man was THAT a fun commute. I spose that’s what we get for living in Cleveland in February!
That’s Cleveland Baby!