Parade The Circle This Saturday

I got an email this morning from Crain’s Cleveland Eleven things to do in Northeast Ohio through June 17. Parade the Circle is a signature event of Cleveland summers for 25 years where international, national and local artists join families, schools and community groups in “a spectacular display of bright costumes, giant puppets, stilt-dancers, handmade masks, and colorful floats.”

Parade The Circle
Photo credit: Crain’s Cleveland

Check it out Saturday, June 13, at Wade Oval.

That’s Cleveland Baby!!!

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Cedar Point – Get Your Thrills Just Up The Road

Summertime in the Cleveland area means heat and humidity.  But it also means fun in that sun and there’s no place better to spend an awesome afternoon getting some thrills than Cedar Point.  Yes, I know that Cedar Point isn’t technically in Cleveland (it’s about an hour or so away in Sandusky) but for many its synonymous with the Northeast Ohio / Cleveland area.

Cedar Point
Photo credit

You can find Cedar Point on the web at  If you’ve never been, and you’re a fan of roller coasters I’ve got to ask… What are you waiting for?  You’ll find some of the greatest rides in the WORLD right up the road from the land of Cleve.  Enjoy summer folks!

That’s Cleveland (ish) Baby!!!

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Proof We Have More Colors Than Just Gray

Wintertime in Cleveland can be downright dreary.  I’ve lived here for a long time so I try REALLY hard not to be the person complaining about the weather in Northeast Ohio.  After all… it’s CLEVELAND.  What did we expect?  This winter hasn’t even been that terrible with the exception of a couple of nasty snowstorms.  That said, I’m still super excited for Spring to hit this year.  It’s just been so gray for so long.

Luckily on my way to work the other day I saw a light at the end of the tunnel… Proof positive that here in Cleveland we do indeed have more that just 50 shades of gray.

No More Gray In Cleveland

Spring is coming!  Opening Day for the Indians is just around the corner and there WILL be a day when we see the sun shine again.  And I for one simply cannot wait.

That’s Cleveland Baby!!!

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